Friday, September 21, 2007

Getting Involved


Last night, I attended my very first Pi Sigma Alpha club meeting. I had no idea what to expect in light of the fact that I’ve never been involved in a school club. Even in high school, I generally concentrated more on my homework and my friends than on pursuing extracurricular activities. My friends who currently attend SJSU and had heard about the club told me that it was like an honor society and that I shouldn’t join because the members would probably be “weird”. On the other hand, the professor who introduced the club to my class pointed out that it would look good on an application for law school, and could somewhat increase a student’s chances of getting in.

I have to admit that when I first submitted my application, I was motivated to sign up by my professor’s advice about law school, and I was not looking forward to attending any meetings or club events. Nevertheless, I was surprised at how much fun I had, and all the students I met who shared my interests and goals. I had expected a much more rigid atmosphere, but I was clearly wrong. It was different to see my professors outside of an academic environment, and it was great to just hang out with them. From a student’s perspective, teachers can sometimes seem intimidating, so it was more comfortable being able to discuss my goals with professors I had taken classes with over pizza and drinks.

After last night’s meeting, my perspective completely changed, and I am now very eager to enjoy the rest of this semester as a member of Pi Sigma Alpha, and truly look forward to the next meeting.